Submitting An Abstract
Union College students can submit abstracts here!
Oral Presentations
All oral presentations will be 15 minutes in length, with 5 minutes reserved for questions and answers. Every room will be equipped with a computer and a projector for showing a presentation.
You should plan to arrive about 10 minutes before your session begins. This will give you a chance to meet the moderator and load your presentation onto the computer. Plan to stay in the room for the entire session of talks in which you are presenting. It is considered poor form to come only for your talk and then leave.
Students attending presentations should enter and exit rooms only during the Q&A sessions or between presentations.
Questions about the contents of your presentation should be addressed to your project advisor.
Poster Presentations
Poster boards will be available in the poster locations and are 4ft. wide by 3ft. high. Presenters should provide their own push pins. Plan to arrive between 10 and 10:30 AM to set up your poster. You should be standing by your poster during the poster session time. All posters should be removed by 3PM.
Questions about the contents of your presentation should be addressed to your project advisor. Posters can be printed in the copy/print center (next to the mailroom) in Reamer Campus Center. Submit your poster to the copy center for printing by Monday of the week of Steinmetz Day. Posters are printed either on gloss ($24.00) or regular ($18.00) bond paper. Be sure to size your poster correctly (48 inches wide by 36 inches high).