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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
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Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
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Political Science
Political Socialization Agents: Analyzing How Family and (Social) Media Influence People’s Political Opinions, Attitudes, and Behaviors
Redefining Human Rights In Latin America
The Feminist Legacy of Susan Sontag
Comparing Abortion Politics in the US and Mexico
Agro-Industrial Complexes: Theorizing the Human Domination of Nonhuman Lives in the United States
Discovering And Applying Black Self- Concept Theory
The Promise of Living Well: Buen Vivir as a Global Alternative to Neoliberal Development and Extractive Capitalism
Klemm Fellowship: A Journey into Mongolian Medicine and Culture
"You Need People Like Me": Demonization and Idealization of the Immigrant in the 1932 Film Scarface and its 1983 Remake
A Glance into Sri Lankan Healthcare: Inside the Homes and Hospitals of Colombo
Reimagining Land Management in the Amazon Using Native Techniques
Improving Public Health Through Litigation: Evaluating the National Opioid Settlements and Their Potential Impact on Abating the Opioid Epidemic
Secure and Control: The Illegitimacy of the European Union's Immigration and Border Control Policies during the Migration Crisis
Movement and Sovereignty: The Separation Wall and the Denial of Palestinian Statehood
Human Rights Activism in Argentina
The Capital of Democracy: A Comprehensive Case for D.C Statehood
From Beliefs to Ballots: Environmental Opinions' Impact on Voting Behaviors in the United States
Klemm Fellowship in Fiji: Learning From the Little Ones
Beyond Borders: Exploring Nepal's Healthcare System
Return to Sender: The Rise and Fall of the Right to Claim Asylum in the United States
Researchers of the Reef: Shark Conservation Efforts in Fiji
Klemm Fellowship: Wildlife Conservation in Patagonia, Argentina
A Reality Check: Case Studies of Cambodian Healthcare
Where Did it All Go Wrong? An Analysis of Russian Relations with Western Nations
The Social, Economic, and Political Determinants of Health: The Role of Political Factors on Racial Health Inequality During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
Previous Programs
Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
Information for Students
Information for Faculty
Information for Moderators
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