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Charles P. Steinmetz
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ISEC 124
Crosslinking Outer Membrane Vesicles of Gram-negative bacteria for developing Lyme Disease Vaccine
Investigation of Autoproteolytic Cleavage in Schizophyllum commune Type Ia Metacaspases
Investigating the Anticancer Properties of Schiff-Base Containing Copper Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity
Structure-Function Studies of Substituted Azoles for Metal Ion Detection in Water: Synthesis, Characterization, and Fluorescence Analysis
Surface exposed antigen OspA as a biological nanoparticle for Lyme disease vaccine delivery
Application of Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometry to Observe Structural Changes in RNA Induced by Binding Interactions
Investigation of Recombinant Protein Lyme Disease Vaccine Using OMVs
Outer Membrane Vesicles-Based Vaccine Platform Against Lyme Disease
Robust and direct synthetic method for potential S. commune metacaspase inhibitors
Chronic Blood-Brain Barrier Damage Following a Traumatic Brain Injury: A Role for the Inflammasome?
Photodegradation of Octyldimethyl para-aminobenzoic Acid (OD-PABA or Padimate O) and its Photoproduct Formation
Synthesis of Dual CCR5/CXCR4 Inhibitors for HIV Infection
Investigating the Calcium Binding Mechanism of Schizophyllum commune Type Ia Metacaspases Using Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
A Machine Learning-Based System to Forecast Weather in Remote Locations
Gravid grasshoppers produce more energy but jump shorter distances
Reducing the Cost of the Turtlebot3 Autonomous Mapping Rover
Peruvian Stalagmites as Indicators of Past Climate: Stable Isotope Record from 315 to 250ka
Optimizing an Assistive Brain Computer Interface that uses Auditory Attention
MIS 8 and MIS 9 Reconstruction from Aged Stalagmite Isotopic Values and Impacts on South American Summer Monsoon
The effect of weight gain on locust jumping kinematics and extensor muscle activity (Schistocerca americana)
Contrasting the production and molecular composition of venom from varying species of Belostomatidae
Assistive Robot for People with Disabilities
Stable water isotopes provide insight into the spatial variability of As and U in drinking water across the Northern Plains
Bite Hero: Endotracheal Tube Bite Guard and Fixation
Measuring Concentrations of Acrylamide in Brewed Coffee
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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
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Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
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