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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
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Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
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10:30 A.M.
Galois Theory and the Quintic Equation
The American-Mexican Border Mini Term: A Documentary
An Evaluation of Women in the 114th (2015-2016) Congress: Comparing the Differences Between Female Lawmakers Legislating for Women’s Issues versus Non-Women’s Issues
Ternary and Quaternary Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Films for High Performance Microsupercapacitors
Specializing Generative Adversarial Network to Render Terrain Textures
Storytelling in Music and the Redefinition of Singer-Songwriters in the Late 20th Century
Migrant Children of the Past and Present: Integrating in France as a Country of Asylum
Modulation of Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Action Using Small Molecules
Bigger is not Always Better: The Process of Simplification in Translation
Constructing Illness: The Effect of Society on Physical and Mental Illnesses
Religion & American Neoliberalism on a College Campus: Navigating the Grey Areas
An Empirical Analysis of Climatic, Geographic, and Cultural Determinants of International Tourism
Deference to Deference: Examining the Relationship Between the Courts and the Political Branches through Judicial Deference and the Chevron Doctrine
Star Formation in the NRGb027 and NRGb137 Groups of Galaxies
A 700,000 yr record of glacial flour flux to Lake Junín, Peru
American Journeys: Quest, Displacement, Escape
Bee Communities in Native and Restored Pine Barrens Habitats in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve
A Personal Exploration of the Health Care and Culture of Cordoba, Argentina
UAIR: An investigation of sources and trends of particulate matter and its effect on air quality at Union College
The Rise of Private Military Companies and the Decline of State Power
"Will Anyone Help Me?": A Qualitative Study of Sexual Assault Reporting on a Liberal Arts College Campus
Biogeochemical and Stable Isotope Analysis of High Andean Streams and Rivers of the Lake Junín Watershed, Peru
Harnessing Click Reaction to Synthesize Mechanically Interlocked Cucurbit[n]uril Molecules
Quantitative Finance: Design of an Algorithm to Trade the Stock Market
A Comparison of Personality Factors and Cognitive Abilities in Offenders and College Students: Offender and Non-Offender Differences in Empathy, Aggression, Impulsivity and Executive Functioning
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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
Previous Programs
Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
Information for Students
Information for Faculty
Information for Moderators
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