Capacitors play an important role in many electronic systems and are used as filters, integrators and bypass components. More specifically, in analog systems they can filter out DC bias or higher frequency signals. Additionally, they can also be used for specific processing applications including integrator circuits and gyrators. In digital systems, they are important components for dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) in integrated circuits. There is always an increasing demand to miniaturize electrical systems and components, and traditional top-down approaches to component and device design are starting to reach scaling limits. We are currently exploring the ternary and quaternary combinations of manganese oxide, silver nanoneedles, Laponite nanoparticles, and graphene oxide nanosheets to realize self-assembled hybrid organic-inorganic films with improved power density and pseudocapacitance. Atomic force and scanning electron microscopies, powder X-ray diffraction, and infrared spectroscopy were completed to study morphologies and heterointerfaces. These nanocomposite thin films offer applications as monolithic power sources and our studies inform new routes to downscale electronic systems.
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