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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
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Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
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2:10 PM
Effects of Fabrication Environment Humidity on Graphene Oxide Membranes
Literary and Visual Depictions of the Egyptian Goddess Isis in the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Periods
New Synodic Rotation Periods for Koronis Family Asteroids (2470) Agematsu and (3856) Lutskij
The Promise of Living Well: Buen Vivir as a Global Alternative to Neoliberal Development and Extractive Capitalism
Comparing the Campus Characteristics Contributing to Sexual Assault Reporting Rates and the Efficacy of Data Collection Strategies at Union College and Beyond
Becoming a Supernova at the End of the World
Surface exposed antigen OspA as a biological nanoparticle for Lyme disease vaccine delivery
Using CRISPR to edit the gene LFC1 in the mushroom-producing fungus Ganoderma
An Exploration of Emigration to France among Sub-Saharan Women and How to Combat the Problems they Face
Rising Tides and Vulnerability Disparities: A Comparative Exploratory Analysis
Stitching Social Stigmas: The Threads Between Fashion Advertising and Modern Racism
Improving Human-Robot Interaction: Modifications of a Social Robot on Dimensions of Gender and Personality
Studying the Binding of Hexafluoropropylene Oxide-Dimer Acid to Human Serum Albumin (HSA) in the Presence of Fatty Acids
An Examination of the Effects of Family Stability on Intimate Relationships
How 20th Century South African Women Viewed the Plausibility of Communist Liberation
Phosphorescent Aerogel Based Lighting
Women's Reproductive Freedom Before and After Roe v. Wade
The effect of weight gain on locust jumping kinematics and extensor muscle activity (Schistocerca americana)
Renaissance Lute Music Reborn
Weight stigma among healthcare professionals and its effects on misdiagnosis of eating disorders
Identification of calcium binding sites of Schizophyllum commune metacaspases
Polynomials in Fp[x] which commute under composition
Canyon in Context: Power Dynamics and Erasure in the Construction of Native American Narratives at Grand Canyon National Park
The Flawed Thinking of Pulling One Up By Their Bootstraps: Food Insecurity in America
An Analysis of Price Variability Between Albany Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital
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Art, Dance, and Music Performances
Previous Programs
Overview of Oral Presentation Schedule
Charles P. Steinmetz
Information for Students
Information for Faculty
Information for Moderators
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